The Key To Be A Better Support!
Hey guys i'm adrin from vikingdota and today our topic of discussion is gonna be something casual but important, Supporting. There is some basic rules that you should understand in order to perform better than your opponents, you might be playing for a long time and maybe you have a lot of experience but if you wanna really improve you have to understand what you are doing in game, Trust me freeplaying is not effective cuz in that case you are letting ODDS take control.

Details are important

Yes of course you can pick meta heroes, put great wards and level up your communication level but there is somethings that most people don't pay attention to, There is General side of the game and the details but thing is people ignore the fact that small details can be game changing also ignoring them can be game ruining but don't worry you haven't missed much and since its only details you can fix it easily, so without wasting anytime lets get into it.

Understanding of role

Before making any theories you have to understand what is your main duty as a support and this will help you to avoid confusion and take steps in a right way, so lets discuss your roles' purpose.
As a support in the first few minutes your job is to harras enemy's support without dying so you can make a one v one situation, Basically you take responsibility of one extra hero in the lane so your core wouldn't have to deal with that hero in lane. Its better if you try to harras a little bit far from enemy's offlaner so you don't risk your own health.


hypothetically you are a ranged support  next to a melee carry and your lane is pretty even which means you are able to harras but killing seems pretty hard. this situation means your only option is to harras the supporter and protect your carry, so thats where your movements comes to help. making the assumption that every game you just walk foolishly around your carry waiting enemy to do something so you can use your one second stun makes no sense, Instead what i suggest you to do is to just hit the enemy hero occasionally, not when there is no creep around, only the time that your carry is trying to last hit and opponents are preventing him from doing that, You may ask why do i have to do that? Well the reason is pretty simple. When you just move around watching with a full health makes enemies feel no threat at all that will lead them to do whatever they want which includes harrasing your carry, so instead you  start hitting them every safe chance you get, unconsciously they have to feel more threatened and play much more safe to avoid getting low hp.


One thing that keeps the balance in laning stage is trade, that means everytime you get into fight with an enemy you consider your health, the amount of damage you can deal and the amount gold you will spend after you make that trade, In order to get close to winning the lane you have to win most of trades and make enemy spend more resources than you.

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