
Official Booster | Dota 2

ello guys! I have been playing Dota 2 since 2011 and can help you out with any role, my highest MMR is 8700. Working as a Professional Booster for over 3 years. My main goal is to provide you with the best experience of using our services, I am always very kind and professional towards our clients. Thank you for being with us.


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Highest Rank: Immortal

8700 MMR in 2020

Top 200 EU

Top 48 NA

Languages: ENG, RUS, ESP

My native language is Russian, but I fluently speak in English. Spanish is my third language and I'm still learning it

Server: EU/US/SEA

I provide boost on EU/US to 8000+, but SEA only to 6000 due to the ping latency

Main Role: Mid/Safelane

Main Role: My Main Role is core, but on Orders and High MMR Matchmaking I play a lot on Supports

Have a good time with VikingDota!



and I'm sure you'll love it!

I will join your team and become your desired mate(s). Now you can choose who you want to play with and decide how to play (any role, any mode, any mission, any idea)

135 people love this service

My recent matches

All of my recent matches that I have played for my clients.