♔ Archon IV | MMR: 2896 - Behavior: 10468 - Communication: 9083
- Main Roles: Offlane, Safelane
- Main Heroes: Kunnka, Phantom Assassin, Invoker
- Hours played: 3239.1
- Phone Number: Not Activated (You need to add a phone number to play ranked match. If you do not have any, buy Dota 2 Phone Number here)
- Add Friends Feature: Unlocked
- Community Market: Activated
Dota Plus Shards: 40,354
- Steam Profile: Level 31 (12 years of service)
Battle Pass:
The International 6: Level 131
The International 7: Level 464
The International 8: Level 1141
The International 9: Level 561
The International 10: Level 1037
The International 11: Level 1045
Aghanim's 2021: Level 537
Nemestice 2021: Level 514
Battle Pass's Prestige Items:
[TI6] Immortal Gardens Terrain (Terrain)
[TI6] Cavern Crawl: Full Unlocked (Clinkz, Ursa, Windranger Sets)
[TI7] Reef Edge Terrain (Terrain)
[TI7] Prize of the Saltworn Mariner - Style Unlocked (Kunkka)
[TI7] Arcana: Benevolent Companion (IO)
[TI7] Cavern Crawl: Full Unlocked (Ogre Magi, Disruptor, Slardar Sets)
[TI8] The Emerald Abyss Terrain (Terrain)
[TI8] Cavernite Creeps (Creeps)
[TI8] Hell-Spar Anathema - Style Unlocked (Lion)
[TI8] Cavern Crawl: Full Unlocked (Skywrath Mage, Bristleback, Legion Commander Sets)
[TI8] Fin King's Charm of Eminent Revival (Lion)
[TI8] Cauldron of Xahryx of Eminent Revival (Lone Druid)
[TI8] The Lightning Orchid of Eminent Revival (Storm Spirit)
[TI8] Tormented Staff of Eminent Revival (Leshrac)
[TI8] Leviathan Whale Blade of Eminent Revival (Kunkka)
[TI9] Overgrown Empire (Terrain)
[TI9] Reptilian Refuge Creeps (Creeps)
[TI9] Majesty of the Colossus (Tiny)
[TI9] Persona: Acolyte of the Lost Arts (Invoker)
[TI9] Arcana: Planetfall (Earthshaker)
[TI9] Axe Unleashed (Axe)
[TI9] Jungle Expedition: Full Unlocked (Sven, Dazzle, Ursa Sets)
[TI10] Sanctums of the Divine Terrain (Terrain)
[TI10] Persona: The Toy Butcher (Pudge)
[TI10] Persona: The Disciple's Path (Anti Mage)
[TI10] Arcana: The One True King (Wraith King)
[TI10] Arcana: Eminence of Ristul (Queen Of Pain)
[TI10] Arcana: Compass of the Rising Gale (Windranger)
[TI10] Cavern Crawl: Full Unlocked (Spirit Breaker, Slark, Nyx Assassin Sets)
[Nemestice 2021] Arcana: Phantom Advent Bundle (Spectre)
[Nemestice 2021] Persona: Davion of Dragon Hold (Dragon Knight)
[Nemestice 2021] Persona: Dark Artistry Throwback (Invoker)
[Aghanim's 2021] Tomo'kan Incarnate (Hoodwink)
[Aghanim's 2021] Arcana: Dread Retribution (Drow Ranger)
[Aghanim's 2021] Persona: Mirana of Nightsilver (Mirana)
[Aghanim's 2021] Cavern Crawl: Full Unlocked (Faceless Void, Treant Protector, Bounty Hunter)
[TI11] Age of Attrition (Primal Beast)
[TI11] Persona: Conduit of the Blueheart (Crystal Maiden)
[TI11] Persona: Exile Unveiled (Phantom Assassin)
[TI11] Arcana: Voidstorm Asylum (Razor)
[TI11] Arcana: Claszian Apostasy (Faceless Void)
[TI11] Cavern Crawl: Full Unlocked (Juggernaut, Slardar, Crystal Maiden)
10-Year Anniversary Limited Treasures:
[2011] Dolfrat and Roshinante (Courier)
[2012] The Alpine Stalker’s Set (Ursa)
[2013] Relic Sword (WK)
[2014] Filmtail (Courier)
[2015] Bindings of Deep Magma (Earth Shaker)
[2016] Staff of Gun-Yu (Monkey King)
[2017] Heaven Piercing Pauldrons (Invoker)
[2018] Gabe Newell Chat Lines (Chat Lines)
[2019] Hidden Vector (Void Spirit)
[2020] Aghanim’s Roshan (Roshan)
[2021] Mirana Persona Bundle (Mirana)
Other Limited/Not Tradable Immortals/Cache Sets/Rare Items:
- [Abaddon] Endless Nights
[Abaddon] Echoes of the Everblack
[Abaddon] Rider of Avarice
[Alchemist] Cosmic Concoctioneers
[Alchemist] Big Un
[Ancient Apparition] Apocalypse Unbound
[Antimage] Endless Death + Many more
[Axe] Days of the Demon
[Axe] Shackles of the Enduring Conscript
[Batrider] Charms of the Firefiend
[Batrider] The Rough Rider of Yama Raskav
[Batrider] Prized Acquisitions
[Bloodseeker] Fury of the Bloodforge
[Bloodseeker] Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum
[Bounty Hunter] Bloodless Hunt
[Brewmaster] Loaded Prospects
[Bristleback] All immortals + Beast of the Crimson Ring
[Brood Mother] Automaton Antiquity
[Broodmother] Feast of the Glutton's Larder
[Broodmother] Pattern of the Silken Queen
[Centaur Warrener] Contested Fate + Immos
[Chaos Knight] Talons of the Endless Storms
[Chen] Priest of the Proudsilver Clan
[Chen] Hounds of Obsession
[Clinkz] Lineage Province of the Huntsman
[Clockwerk] Seadog's Stash
[Clockwerk] The Warcog
[Clockwerk] Knight of the Clock Tower
[Clockwerk] Directive of the Sunbound
[Clockwerk] Apex Automated
[Crystal Maiden] Glacial Gardens
[Crystal Maiden] Lineage Charge of the Tundra Warden
[Dark Willow] Twilight Hex
[Dark Willow] Allure of the Faeshade Flower
[Dawnbreaker] Starlorn Adjudicator
[Dawnbreaker] Perception of the First Light
[Dazzle] Forbidden Medicine
[Death Prophet] Souls of the Brightshroud
[Death Prophet] Oaths of the Beloved
[Disruptor] Static Lord
[Disruptor] Defend of Ruin
[Disruptor] Fury of the Righteous Storm
[Doom] Dread Ascendance
[Doom] Wrath of the Fallen
[Dragon Knight] Silwerium Sacrifice
[Dragon Knight] Third Awakening
[Dragon Knight] Scorched Amber
[Drow Ranger] Glimmer of the Sacred Hunt
[Drow Ranger] Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful
[Drow Ranger] Strangers in the Wandering Islands
[Earth Spirit] Vanquishing Demon Generals
[Earth Spirit] Adornments of the Jade Emissary
[Elder Titan] Blades of the Terraforge
[Ember Spirit] Cinder Sensei
[Ember Spirit] Masters of the Searing Paths
[Ember Spirit] Fires of the Volcanic Guard
[Enchantress] Songs of the Starfall Glen
[Enigma] The Arts of Moral Deception
[Enigma] Evolution of the Infinite
[Faceless Void] Chines of the Inquisitor
[Faceless Void] Claszureme Incursion
[Grimstroke] Pean of the Ink Dragon
[Grimstroke] Herald of the Ember Eye
[Gyrocopter] Arcane Inverter
[Hoodwink] Immortal + Shadowleaf Insurgent
[Huskar] Pursuit of the Ember Demons
[Huskar] Flashpoint Proselyte
[Invoker] Faith Meridian
[Jakiro] Fissured Flight
[Juggernaut] Isle of Dragons
[Juggernaut] Lineage of the Stormlords
[Keeper of the Light] The King of Thieves
[Lina] Glory of the Elderflame
[Lycan] Creed of the Skullhound
[Magnus] Cruelties of the Spiral Bore
[Marci] Blue Horizons
[Mars] Forsworn Legacy
[Mars] Molten Bore
[Mars] Wings of Imperium
[Mars] Forgotten Fate
[Medusa] Eye of the Beholder
[Meepo] The Family Values Bundle
[Mirana] Dreads of the Midsummer
[Monkey King] Champions of the Fire Lotus
[Nature's Prophet] Signs of the Allfather
[Necrophos] Foul Omen
[Necrophos] The Murid Divine
[Night Stalker] Origins of the Dark Oath
[Night Stalker] Twilight Legions
[Nyx Assassin] Shimmers of the Anointed
[Nyx Assasin] Cicatrix Regalia
[Ogre Magi] Stonebreak Excavators
[Ogre Magi] Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected
[Oracle] Riddle of the Hierophant
[Pangolier] Tales of the Windward Rogue
[Pangolier] Pitfall Crusader
[Phantom Assassin] Gothic Whisper
[Phantom Assassin] Visions of the Lifted Veil
[Phantom Lancer] Scarles of the Shadow Walker
[Phoenix] Crimson Dawn
[Phoenix] Blaze of Oblivion
[Phoenix] Ire of Molten Rebirth
[Pudge] Dapper's Disguise
[Pudge] Mindless Slaughter
[Razor] Test of the Basilisk Lord
[Riki] Scarlet Subversion
[Rubick] March of the Crackerjack Mage
[Rubick] Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade
[Sandking] Tunnel Raider
[Shadow Demon] Crown of Calaphas
[Shadowfiend] Souls Tyrant
[Shadow Demon] Endowment of the Lucent Canopy
[Silencer] Silent Slayer
[Skywrath Mage] Secrets of the Celestial
[Skywrath Mage] Eyriebound Imperator
[Slark] Appetites of the Lizard King
[Snapfire] Whipper Snapper
[Sniper] Blacksail Cannoneer
[Spectre] Spoils of the Shadowveil
[Spiritbreaker] Pillars of the Fractured Citadel
[Sven] Indomitable Legacy
[Templar Assassin] Steward of the Forbidden Chamber
[Terrorblade] Forgotten Station
[Tidehunter] Poacher's Bane
[Tidehunter] Horror from the Deeps
[Timbersaw] Clearcut Cavelier
[Timbersaw] Siege Enginer
[Tinker] Fortified Fabricator
[Troll Warlord] Conspicious Culprit
[Underlord] Ravenous Abyss
[Ursa] Trophies of the Hallowed Hunt
[Ursa] Scale of the Razorwyrm
[Undying] Forlorn Descent
[Undying] Curse of the Creeping Vine
[Undying] Dirge Amplifier
[Vengeful Spirit] Vision of the Seraph Scion
[Venomancer] Aktok's Domain
[Warlock] Dread Compact
[Warlock] Tribal Pathways
[Warlock] Beholden of the Banished Ones
[Weaver] Dimension Ripper
[Wraith King] Grim Destiny
[Wraith King] Stonemarch Sovereign
[Witch Doctor] Deathstitch Shaman
[With Doctor] Morbific Provision
[Zeus] Fury of the Thunderhawk
[Winter Wyvern] Aurora's Pyre
[Tusk] Distinguished Expeditionary
[All caches worth] 3458.81$
Nearly All Immortals Inside! + Sets for all heroes
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